Differences between Shared and Dedicated Hosting

It is more common than you think this query, especially in the initial phase of a project, which is when you have to hire hosting services for the web and is not very clear if it is better a Shared Hosting or if on the contrary a Dedicated Hosting is the right bet.

Since the irruption of CloudLinux in the market of servers with GNU/Linux operating system, the physical resources assigned to the Hosting accounts are not a problem and it is possible to be hosted for a small price without your website being affected by the resources that other accounts may consume.

Translated to a more common context, I would say that Web Hosting is like renting an apartment among several friends/acquaintances or strangers with whom you share not only the expenses, but also the kitchen, bathroom and common services.

While a Dedicated Hosting would be like renting your own apartment where you enjoy all the services but you also assume its maintenance and expenses.

What are the most common types of Hosting

There are as many hosting services as there are ways to manage them, but the most common are these 4:

Shared Hosting

Dedicated Hosting

VPS Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Performance is key

We know it, and that’s why we tune our servers to make the Webs fly.

We have become expert craftsmen of Web acceleration technology: Nginx, Varnish, PHP 8.0, 7.4, HTTP/2, CloudLinux…

Performance is one of the most important aspects to consider as it determines among others the load times, the famous “first byte”, the amount of memory allocated and other resources needed to keep a website active and accessible.

Most users who access your website expect it to load in 2 seconds or less, and tend to leave when the site is not loaded in 3 seconds.

Possibly almost 79% of Hosting users who have problems with the performance of their website will not hire that service again and approximately 44% of them will comment in their circles of influence the experience suffered in certain web hosting services.

Questions to ask yourself before choosing

It is clear that the needs of your web projects are the ones that will mark the decision to choose the type of Hosting you need. Some of the questions you should ask yourself are listed below.

  • What kind of web projects are you going to host?
  • What volume of web traffic will your websites have?
  • Do you foresee important traffic peaks?
  • Are you going to host one or several webs in the same Hosting?
  • Are you going to install any specific software (script) or Apps?
  • Do you need private SSL Certificates?
  • Do you need a dedicated IP?
  • Security is very important, do you need customized or special security?
  • Do you need a lot of data processing capacity?
  • What is your budget?

…other questions you can think of. In this simple table I indicate some common questions (FAQs) that you should ask yourself before deciding on a Shared or Dedicated Hosting service.

FAQ – Questions for decision making

Sitios con tráfico medio o moderado
Sites with medium to moderate traffic
Sitios con tráfico superior al medio millón de visitas diarias
Sites with traffic over half a million visits per day
Actualización de contenidos de la web
Updating of web content
Sin conocimientos de administración de servidores
No knowledge of server administration
Alto conocimiento de administración de servidores
High knowledge of server administration
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
Availability of time to administer servers
Falta de tiempo para administrar el servidor
Lack of time to administer the server
Alojar vídeos
Hosting video on demand or streaming content
Alojar webs personales o pequeñas tiendas
You host personal web sites or small stores
Necesitar muchos recursos: RAM, DISCO, PROCESOS
Need a lot of resources: RAM, DISK, PROCESSES

Shared Hosting

No incluido
No incluido
No incluido
No incluido
No incluido

Dedicated hosting

No incluido
No incluido
No incluido
No incluido

Parameters to compare Shared with Dedicated

There are many ways and parameters to evaluate the convenience of choosing one or another type of Hosting and thus choose the one that will be your provider (for example, Webempresa, who offers hosting service in Spain) during the time of contracting.

Here are some of the points you should consider before contracting:

  • Disk space
  • Domain (register 1 domain the first year for free)
  • Monthly bandwidth
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Control Panel
  • 1 click installers
  • Pricing
  • Money back guarantee
  • 24/7/365 support by professionals (not outsourced)

Shared Hosting

It is characterized by hosting numerous user accounts, separate and independent, usually caged (CloudLinux), where many websites hosted on different accounts use the same server resources.

The growth in a Shared Hosting is limited to the type of contracted plan that will allocate a certain amount of databases, email accounts, additional domains and/or aliases and disk space, since in this type of services the resources of the same machine are shared with a few hundred more users.

Dedicated Hosting

A Dedicated Server generally hosts few accounts of the same user or company (corporate sites) where other web applications or intranets coexist and where the resources are used to guarantee the uptime and optimized performance of the websites or online services.

In a Dedicated Server you are the administrator and responsible for its uptime and security, you control the resources you allocate and determine the limits for the account or accounts you manage on it.

In a few words, in a Dedicated Hosting you have a complete machine at your disposal to host one or several websites.


ASome questions you should ask yourself to analyze if you need a VPS are:

  • ¿Will the sites to be hosted have heavy or highly variable traffic?
  • Do you need to minimize downtime or ensure high availability?
  • Do you want control over the server and its performance?

It is evident that the installation and administration of a VPS requires high knowledge in System Administration, do you have it? and also special dedication to the security or hardening of the server to avoid the fall or invasion of this.

In favor of this type of hosting I will say that scalability is its most outstanding value, since it means that you will be able to grow in space, have an exclusive bandwidth, unlimited database management (the disk marks the physical limits) and a lot of data processing power.


Before deciding on the choice of a Dedicated Hosting or a Shared one, do not forget that the reputation of the provider of your choice, its present position in a very competitive market and its future projection with regard to the improvement of the hardware park and the commercialized plans are aspects to be valued above purely economic aspects.

In the end, the choice between shared web hosting or dedicated web hosting will depend on the real needs of your web projects, your budget and your ability to manage the server and its security versus the delegation of these issues in the case of shared ones.

Hosting Vitamins

Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
High speed servers
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
Free Image Optimization
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
Magic Caché
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
Uptime 99.9% guaranteed
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
Free SSL Certificate

Hosting Tutorials

Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
What is a hosting
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
What is a domain
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
What are DNS
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What is NGINX?
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
What is a web server
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What is Apache
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What is GitHub
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Shared hosting
Icono Velocidad Servidores Alta Velocidad
Shared or Dedicated Hosting
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Difference between web server and hosting
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What is a VPS
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