RDAP Domain Lookup

You can query the data for any domain registered in Webempresa with our RDAP service, as an alternative to the traditional Whois data lookup.

Buscador RDAP

You can also use the Whois domain lookup for domains we have available at this link: https://www.webempresa.com/en/domain/whois-search.html.

To see the data for a domain using the RDAP lookup, enter the domain name (without the http or https) and click on the Search button 😉 If Whois data privacy is enabled, the contact data won’t be displayed.

Frequently asked questions about RDAP

What is RDAP?

RDAP, or Registration Data Access Protocol, is a network communications protocol that lets you view the current data on an already-registered domain. This is an improved or 2.0 version of the traditional Whois lookup.

Why was RDAP created?

The RDAP service came about to provide a domain data search system with new features and functionalities that the traditional Whois lookup lacks.

Its creation then aimed to cover the shortcomings of the current Whois system, such as the lack of internationalization support, differentiated access to data, standardized query and error responses, among others.

In the Whois lookup protocol, the domain data lookup is limited to a database specific to the registrar or the entity responsible for the extension.

What are the differences from the Whois lookup?

In the RDAP protocol, a query can go beyond a specific database, so it collects all the data available in the RDAP service itself, which covers several databases or sources.

Instead of the appearance of information not available, the relevant authorized server will always be queried to show the actual domain data 😉 This is different from the current Whois protocol, where the information is not linked to the contracted parties’ systems.You can find all the data related publicly to a domain. For example, you can see the most relevant dates, such as the registration date, expiry date (when your domain expires) or the date of its latest update.

You can also see the domain contact data, although if data privacy is enabled, no real information will be displayed 😉

Other data displayed is the registrar where it is located or the server names (DNSs).

Who developed it?

The “Web Extensible Internet Registration Data Service” (WEIRDS) working group. This is the working group within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) responsible for defining the new way of querying the Internet records database and so obtaining information on IP addresses, ASNs, contacts, and organizations.

What advantages does it have compared to the Whois lookup?

RDAP has major advantages over the traditional Whois: It presents a standardized and unified response, it is easier to use or integrate with other systems and allows for the use of languages other than English in searches. RDAP functions are fundamentally different from Whois.

It also allows for broader searches and, at the same time, minimizes the amount of data usually transferred from one entity to another, so complying to a greater extent with the GDPR data protection law.

Terms of RDAP service in Webempresa

WEBEMPRESA provides the Whois/RDAP database lookup free of charge for information use only. WEBEMPRESA, for its part, assumes no liability deriving from the precision, veracity, availability, or accuracy of the data shown in the domain name lookup results. Lookup results may not be available for all registered domains. WEBEMPRESA accepts no liability for any inconvenience or damage that may arise due to the information provided, or omitted, through the Whois/RDAP database. WEBEMPRESA may suspend the Whois/RDAP lookup tool to perform periodic procedures for maintenance, repair, update, or improvement.

CLIENTS or USERS of the tool assume responsibility for avoiding:

– Use of the Whois/RDAP database for illicit, prohibited purposes, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, for which WEBEMPRESA accepts no responsibility that may derive.
– Use of the information for advertising or marketing purposes.
– Disclosure of information received in the Whois/RDAP data query.

Violation of any of the indicated obligations will empower WEBEMPRESA to take legal action against whoever carries them out.

All the details on the use of Webempresa’s services are on our website General conditions for services with Webempresa. The section on the RDAP protocol can be found in section III. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR THE DIFFERENT SERVICES OFFERED, point 3.1 Domain services.