.eu domains
The country domain extension for Europe, ideal if your website is directed to the European public.
IDN Domains
Whois Privacy
Transfer lock
Register your domain for only 13,99$/year
*If you already have a registered domain, you can transfer it to Webempresa.
.eu Domain registration information
Use of characters in .eu domains
Length between 2 and 63 characters. Available letters from A to Z, and numbers from 0 to 9.
Duration of .eu domain registration
You can register from 1 to 10 years maximum.
IDN domains
It admits special or specific characters of a language such as “á,à,é,è,í,ï,ó,ò,ú,ü,ñ,ç,l·l”.
Special requirements to buy .eu domains
The owner contact must be a resident or citizen of the European Union.
Whois data hiding in .eu domains
It does not have privacy, but it does not show personal data in search engines.
Transfer lock
It does not have a transfer lock.
.eu domain life cycle
Available domain
In this first phase the domain is free and can be registered. Any user can request the registration of a domain available through an accredited Registrar Agent and become its owner.
The domain name is registered and can be active from 1 to 10 years. This is the period of the first registration, but if the holder decides to renew it, he can keep the domain active for as long as he wishes.
Due date
When the expiration date of the domain arrives, if it is not renewed, the domain expires. At that time, all services related to the domain become inactive: the website, email accounts, etc.
Grace period
The .eu domain extension does not have a grace period, but it does have a redemption period on the expiration date.
Redemption Period
When the domain expires, it automatically goes into a redemption period for 40 days, in which it can be renewed at the provider that manages it.
When the domain expires, it automatically goes into a redemption period for 40 days, in which it can be renewed at the provider that manages it.
.eu domain transfer
Start of transfer
It can be started at any time from any provider that manages .eu domains. It is advisable to start it at least 2 weeks before its expiration date.
Special requirements for transfer
To transfer a .eu domain it is only necessary to provide the correct authcode, which is provided by the provider of origin.
The price of the transfer is 13,99$
.eu domains do not have transfer blocking
A .eu domain is transferred in hours if you provide the correct authcode
The DNS are not modified during the process
One year of service is added to the domain upon transfer
.eu domain renewal
You can renew your .eu domain at any time, without having to wait for the expiration date. You can renew it for as many years as you want, as long as the term of the domain does not exceed 10 years in total.
What happens if the domain is not renewed before the expiration date?
If you don’t renew your domain before the expiration date arrives, it will be inoperative. When the domain expires, all the services related to it stop working: website, email accounts, etc.
Frequently asked questions about .eu domains
What are .eu domains used for?
Domains with the .eu extension are mainly used for websites that are aimed at users located in Europe. That is, they are recommended for websites that want to direct their traffic towards the European public.
DNS update in .eu domains
The DNS of a .eu domain can be modified at any time at the provider where the domain is managed. At Webempresa we provide you with a control panel where you can check the DNS assigned to the domain and also modify them. The DNS change takes effect immediately on the domain, but must propagate throughout the network. This propagation can take 6-12 hours to complete, typically.
Change of Whois data in .eu domains
The whois data of all the domain contacts (owner, administrative, technical, billing) can be changed at any time at the provider where the domain is managed. Keep in mind that the owner contact is the legal owner of the domain. If you modify these data, a change of ownership is made and the domain will become the property of the new person or entity that appears in that contact.
Is it advisable to use .eu domains with ñ?
It is not advisable to register domains that contain a special symbol (such as ñ, ç or an accent). They are called IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) domains.
The domain is registered as you typed it and will be valid for normal use, but translation into a different format is required for the services to work with the domain.
For example, the domain españa.eu translates into xn--espaa-rta.eu, and it will be as it appears for services, such as mail. For our part we do not recommend it.
Are there .eu domains that are reserved or that cannot be registered?
There is no specific list of reserved domains that you cannot register. But we do recommend that before buying a domain in your name, check if the brand is already registered or there is a company related to the domain (such as other extensions under the same name).
Can I assign my company data in Whois contacts to the .eudomain?
Yes, you can assign your company data to all contacts on .eu domains.