Whois Domain Lookup
Use our Whois lookup to check the public data for any domains already registered.

The best place for your domains is in Webempresa
Easy DNS change
Modify DNSs from our panel to point to the hosting you want
Domain locking
Lock your domain to prevent anyone from transferring it without your permission
Whois privacy
Hide Whois data so it won’t be seen publicly in search engines
Top tools
Whois data
Unlimited updating of your domain contact information
Personalized control panel
Configure your domain easily with a control panel designed especially for you
Free SSL certificate
Domain experts
Webempresa Guarantee
We are an official domain Registrar
Red.es has accredited us as registrars of .es domains.
We have full control over domain management because we don’t rely on external providers or third parties.
We make all your operations and configurations with .es domains quick and easy for you 😉
domains we guard
happy customers at Webempresa
websites at full capacity
24-hour support
Available to help you with whatever you need every day of the year (including holidays and weekends) and 24 hours a day 😉
Our average response time is 30 minutes 😉
You still don’t have your domain in Webempresa?
If you have websites and domains with another provider, and you were thinking of changing your hosting, why don’t you come with us? 🙂
A secret…with an annual hosting plan, the domain transfer is free. 😉
What is the status of my domain in the
Whois lookup?
As a domain is registered until it expires or becomes available again, it can pass through different stages or statuses. Domain statuses show the situation of domains at a given time. This means you can see whether everything is fine or there is some pending action that needs to be resolved.
You can see the exact status of your domain at the time in a Whois lookup in the Domain Status section. As some of them can be difficult to interpret or understand, we have put together a list of the statuses you may find and their explanations, so you can understand how your domain is doing 🙂
Frequently asked questions about the Whois lookup
What is a Whois lookup?
What is the purpose of the Whois for a domain?
In the case of generic domains (not from a country or territory, such as .com, .org, info…), you can see the data on the managing provider, important dates (registration, expiry and last update), status, DNS, etc.
What data does the Whois lookup display?
In the case of territorial domains (such as .es) you can only see the registration and expiry dates and DNS.
How do I update my Whois data?
How do I know when my domain expires?
Where can I see the expiry date?
Who is the domain holder?
How do I know where my domain is?
You need look at the Registrar section to see where your domain is located or in which provider it is currently managed. If you don’t recognize this registrar’s name, you may have bought the domain with a third-party provider
that works with a registrar. You may also see a section labeled Reseller.
What is Whois data privacy?
If you enable Whois data privacy for your domain, the holder, administrative, technical, and billing contact data will not be visible. The rest of the data will be visible in public domain data lookups.
This Whois data privacy service is free in Webempresa 😉
Why do I see private data I don’t recognize?
Which domains have Whois privacy?
Generic domains. That means domains with extensions not belonging to a territory or region. For example, .com, .org, .net, or .info domains. Country domains (belonging to a country or territory), such as .es or .eu, do not have the Whois data privacy service, but very little information is displayed in public domain lookups.