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Problema en Wordpress con Cloudflare Firewall  

Estimable Member

Hola, necesito ayuda. Tengo un problema con un elemento en mi página web. En todas mis entradas de blog los elementos no están siendo mostrados. He contactado a a varios programadores y me comentan que tiene que ver con un problema de la configuración de cloudflare. no sé que hacer.



Screenshot 2020 06 22 at 19.48.24


Un programador me dijo que agregando el admin-ajax.php al firewall de cloudflare con eso igual ayuda.


Pero no entiendo cómo hacerlo.



Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

The admin-ajax request is blocked by your hosting provider. The admin-ajax request is an important WP call, if that is blocked by them due to any reason, they are supposed to unblock, because it is not just required for Divi but for many other theme/plugins and WordPress operation noting on the site will work properly if that request is blocked.

You can ask them to just adjust admin-ajax blockage it is usually due to mod security rules. If they don't want to disable for testing as well they need to unblock the admin-ajax call as this a WP specific call which they have blocked it is not a theme or plugin dependent thing.

The admin-ajax.php is part of the WordPress AJAX API, and it does handle requests from both backend and frontend. The native WordPress functionality can breaks if this file is blocked. So many things may not work properly.

Respondido : 22/06/2020 6:54 pm
Karen Rios
 Karen Rios
Soporte CMS Webempresa Moderator

Hola Eugenio,

Puedes probar apuntando los DNS a webempresa y verificar si no se muestra el error, si todo funciona de forma correcta el problema esta relacionado con la configuración de cloudflare, ya que es un tema directamente relacionado con su configuración te recomiendo contactes con soporte -> Contenido solo visible a usuarios registrados quienes podrán indicarte de forma detallada como solventarlo.

Un Saludo

Respondido : 22/06/2020 7:45 pm

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