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No guarda en Quickmode  

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Reputable Member

Buenas tardes,

tengo una instalación de joomla 1.5.26 que no me funcionaba brezzing forms 1.7.5

Descargué de joomla.org la versión completa del 1.5.26 y sobreescribí todos los ficheros.
Ahora ya me funciona el brezzing forms, però en Quickmode no guarda.

Cuando hago una modificación i doy a "save properties" lo guarda, pero cuando le doy a "Guadar" arriba a la derecha, no guarda los cambios.

Sabéis que puede pasar?

Muchas gracias

URL del sitio: http://www.doulasconciencia.com

Respondido : 19/07/2012 5:27 pm
Soporte CMS Webempresa Moderator

HOla Jaume

Desde la instalación que tienes correcta copia todos los archivos de la carpeta quickmode y verifica si te funciona.



Respondido : 06/08/2012 8:52 pm


Reputable Member

Buenos días.
He hecho lo que comentas y nada.
HE copiado toda la carpeta com_brezzingforms y nada.
He copiado el contenido de la carpeta flora dentro de quickmode y ahora ya no aparece este error, sale otro pero sigue sin guardar.

Me aparece este error:

SyntaxError: syntax error
[Break On This Error]

this.dataObject = ;

index.php (line 508, col 20) [he maracado la linea 508]

function BF_QuickModeApp(){
// jquery easy workaround
var _xj = 'j';
var _xq = 'q';
var _xu = 'u';
var _xe = 'e';
var _xr = 'r';
var _xy = 'y';
if( JQuery(this).attr('href').bfendsWith(_xj+_xq+_xu+_xe+_xr+_xy+'-ui.css') ){
JQuery(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var selectedTreeElement = null;
var copyTreeElement = null;
var appScope = this;
this.elementScripts = {"validation":[{"id":"1","package":"FF","name":"ff_anychecked","title":"Any Checked","description":"Validate that any radio button or checkbox of a group is checked.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"2","package":"FF","name":"ff_checked","title":"Checked","description":"Validate that radio button or checkbox is checked.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"5","package":"FF","name":"ff_dollaramount2dp","title":"Dollar Amount with 2 Decimal Places","description":"Validate that a dollar amount with two decimal places is entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"7","package":"FF","name":"ff_flashupload_not_empty","title":"Flash Upload Not Empty (QuickMode only!)","description":"Validates if a flash upload is empty or not.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"12","package":"FF","name":"ff_integer","title":"Integer Number","description":"Validate that an integer value is entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"13","package":"FF","name":"ff_integeramount","title":"Positive Integer","description":"Validate that an positive integer value is entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"14","package":"FF","name":"ff_integer_or_empty","title":"Integer or empty","description":"Validate that either an integer value or nothing is entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"20","package":"FF","name":"ff_real","title":"Real Number","description":"Validate that a real number is entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"21","package":"FF","name":"ff_realamount","title":"Positive Real Number","description":"Validate that a positive real number is entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"23","package":"FF","name":"ff_securitycode_entered","title":"Security code entered","description":"Check that a security code was entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"24","package":"FF","name":"ff_securitycode_ok","title":"Security code ok","description":"Check that a valid security code was entered.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"32","package":"FF","name":"ff_showvalidation","title":"Show element validation","description":"Display element validation (for debugging)","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"34","package":"FF","name":"ff_unchecked","title":"Unchecked","description":"Validate that radio button or checkbox is unchecked.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"35","package":"FF","name":"ff_validate_date_DDMMYYYY","title":"Validate Date DD/MM/YYYY format","description":"Validates that the date in a textfield is correctly formatted in DD/MM/YYYY format.rnCan be used with a textfield element and/or the Calendar element.","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"41","package":"FF","name":"ff_validemail","title":"Valid email","description":"Validate entry of a valid email (syntax check only)","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"42","package":"FF","name":"ff_validemail_repeat","title":"Validate Email repeat","description":"Checks if the field value is a valid email address and has a second counterpart that has an equal value.rnThe 2nd email field must be named "FIELDNAME_repeat"!","type":"Element Validation"},{"id":"43","package":"FF","name":"ff_valuenotempty","title":"Value not empty","description":"Validate that value is not empty.","type":"Element Validation"}],"action":[{"id":"15","package":"FF","name":"ff_nextpage","title":"Next page","description":"Switchs to the next page.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"16","package":"FF","name":"ff_page1","title":"Page 1","description":"Switches to the first page.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"17","package":"FF","name":"ff_page2","title":"Page 2","description":"Switches to the second page.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"18","package":"FF","name":"ff_page3","title":"Page 3","description":"Switches to the third page.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"19","package":"FF","name":"ff_previouspage","title":"Previous page","description":"Switches to the previous page.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"22","package":"FF","name":"ff_resetForm","title":"Reset form","description":"Reset all form inputs to the initial values.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"28","package":"FF","name":"ff_showaction","title":"Show action","description":"Displays the element action.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"36","package":"FF","name":"ff_validate_form","title":"Validate form","description":"Validates the form and displays the result.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"37","package":"FF","name":"ff_validate_nextpage","title":"Validate and next page","description":"Validates the current page, and if everything is ok is switches to the next page.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"38","package":"FF","name":"ff_validate_page","title":"Validate page","description":"Validates the current page and displays the result.","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"39","package":"FF","name":"ff_validate_prevpage","title":"Validate previous page","description":"Validates the current page and switches to the previous page if all is ok","type":"Element Action"},{"id":"40","package":"FF","name":"ff_validate_submit","title":"Validate and submit form","description":"Validates the whole form, and if everything is ok it submits the form.","type":"Element Action"}],"init":[{"id":"8","package":"FF","name":"ff_getfocus","title":"Get focus","description":"Get the focus. Usually this is for the first element of the form/page.","type":"Element Init"},{"id":"29","package":"FF","name":"ff_showelementinit","title":"Show element initialization","description":"Display the element initialization (mainly for debugging)","type":"Element Init"}]};
this.dataObject = ; // linea 508
this.createTextfield = function(id){
return {
attributes : {
"class" : "bfQuickModeElementClass",
id : id,
mdata : JQuery.toJSON(
deletable : true,
type : 'element'
data: { title: "untitled element", icon: '../administrator/components/com_breezingforms/libraries/jquery/themes/quickmode/i/icon_text-field.png' },
properties : {
type : 'element',
bfType: 'bfTextfield',
label: 'untitled element',
labelPosition: 'left',
bfName : id,
dbId : 0,
orderNumber : -1,
tabIndex : -1,
logging : true,
hideLabel : false,
required : false,
hint: '',
off: false,
value : '',
maxLength : '',
readonly: false,
password: false,
mailback: false,
mailbackAsSender: false,
mailbackfile: '',
size : '',
validationCondition : 0,
validationId : 0,
validationCode : '',
validationMessage : '',
validationFunctionName : '',
initCondition : 0,
initId : 0,
initCode : '',
initFunctionName : '',
initFormEntry : 0,
initPageEntry : 0,
actionCondition : 0,
actionId : 0,
actionCode : '',
actionFunctionName : '',
actionClick : 0,
actionBlur : 0,
actionChange : 0,
actionFocus : 0,
actionSelect : 0,
hideInMailback: false

Respondido : 07/08/2012 10:00 am
David Noguera
 David Noguera
Miembro Moderator

Hola Jaime, hay errores de Javascript, BreezingForms tiene muchísimo código de Javascript escrito, y no sabemos que cambios se han podido hacer sobre estos ficheros... por tanto lo mejor sería desinstalar y volver a instalar.

Haz primero una copia de seguridad con tu Akeeba Backup de todo tu Joomla para poder volver atrás si hay problemas.

Después desinstala BreezingForms, y bájate la última versión free que puedes encontrar en la web de crosstec e instálala, debería mantenerte las tablas y por tanto los formularios..

Revisa si ahora ya no te da errores..


Respondido : 07/08/2012 10:40 am

Gestor de Contraseñas - VPN Conexión Segura - Gestor 2FA (Segundo Factor de Autenticación

Reputable Member

Esto lo he hecho unas 15 veces, borrando las tablas y comprobando que no deje ningun fichero.

Pero sigue igual.

Respondido : 08/08/2012 3:20 pm
Soporte CMS Webempresa Moderator

Hola Jaume

Si te has asegurado que todo se encuentre eliminado y luego instalado Breezing forms y sólo no te funcione el quickmode, es por demás extraño.

Has probado el mismo modo de desarrollo en un sitio web diferente con la misma versión de Joomla?, es posible que sea un bug de la extensión.

Después de instalar, no has realizado modificaciones adicionales, importando formularios, etc?
Si es un bug de la extensión tendrías que evaluar otros modos para hacer tus formularios.


Respondido : 08/08/2012 6:25 pm

Usuario experto

Me pasa exactamente lo mismo ¿ Se resolvió el tema?

Respondido : 30/05/2013 7:49 pm
Reputable Member

No resolvi nada.

Instale joomla 2.5 nuevo y rehacerlo todo.

Malas noticias ;(

Respondido : 30/05/2013 9:53 pm

Cursos Gratuitos WordPress

Usuario experto

Pues vaya Jaume si son malas noticias

Respondido : 31/05/2013 9:19 am
Jordi Sala
 Jordi Sala
Miembro Admin

Hola Mireia,

¿Se producen los mismos errores que ha indicado Jaume?

¿Que versión de Joomla! y de BreezingForms estás utilizando?


Respondido : 31/05/2013 10:14 am


Usuario experto

Si exactamente los mismos.

Breezzing 1.7.5

Joomla! 2.5.8

Gracias Jordi

Respondido : 31/05/2013 10:18 am
Jordi Sala
 Jordi Sala
Miembro Admin

Hola Mireia,

Revisa lo que indican en http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5222427/breezing-forms-component-not-saving-quick-mode-form


Respondido : 31/05/2013 10:22 am


Usuario experto

Comentarte Jordi, que tengo dos formularios, uno me lo deja modificar y guarda los cambios sin problemas y el otro no


Respondido : 31/05/2013 10:23 am
Jordi Sala
 Jordi Sala
Miembro Admin

Hola Mireia,

Parece que nos hemos cruzado respuestas.

¿Has visto lo que te he respondido antes?:

Revisa lo que indican en http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5222427/breezing-forms-component-not-saving-quick-mode-form


Respondido : 31/05/2013 10:26 am

Gestor de Contraseñas - VPN Conexión Segura - Gestor 2FA (Segundo Factor de Autenticación

Usuario experto

Si nos hemos cruzado aunque igualmente no es la solución ya lo tengo puesto así y tampoco funciona.
Estoy volviendo a crear de nuevo todo el formulario y de momento me deja guardar los cambios, el que ya tenia hecho no hay forma que me deje modificarlo.

Si encuentro una solución ya os la diré

Gracias Jordi

Respondido : 31/05/2013 10:32 am
Usuario experto


Después de crear otro formulario e ir creando campos sin problemas al llegar al campo nº 10 no me deja ya guardar más. Creo que ese es el problema ¿ Existe una limitación de campos? ¿ Se puede aumentar esa limitación?

Muchas gracias


Respondido : 31/05/2013 12:05 pm

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