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Instalar Quick Start de Plantilla de AS Templates  

Usuario experto


Pues mi problema es el siguiente. He adquirido una plantilla de pago con quick start, y en la documentación me dice que para instalar el quick start necesito descargar el archivo artsy.zip en public_html, descomprimirlo y usar esa url, como si fuera a instalar un joomla nuevo. Creo que hago todos los pasos bien e incluso llega a la pantalla en la que me pide que borre la carpeta de instalación, pero me deja el frontend y el backend como una pantalla en blanco.

Estas son las instrucciones, aver si podeis echarme una mano porfavor.

1. Upload the artsy.zip file in the folder Quick-start Package to your host and extract it using your hosting cPanel or any other File Manager Tools available at your disposal.

2. Start installation by typing your URL to the directory you have placed the quick-start file. The installation page should first load just like it is in a typical Joomla! installation. i.e for Artsy quick-start,after uploading to public html of your hosting company, type http://www.mydomain.net/Artsy and press “enter”. It is assumed that you know how to complete all the 7 simple steps of the installation process. The steps are as follows: 1. Language 2. Pre-installation check 3. License 4. Database 5. FTP configuration 6. Configuration (Remember gantry does not require you to manually select the install sample data option, it automatically does this for you) 7. Finish

3. Template Installation

4. The steps outlined below should be sufficient to get the template successfully installed, assuming that you already have Joomla! 2.5x/3.x installed and running properly, then the following are the major steps taken.

5. Install the Template

6. Using the Joomla! administration panel go to: Extensions > Install/Uninstall -> Upload Package File -> Browse (to select the template named Artsy.zip in the folder named Templates) -> Upload file & install Once again, go to: Extensions ->Template Manager Select Artsy and make it your default template by clicking the button named default on the top right-side of the page.

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Respondido : 14/01/2014 8:55 pm
Johnny Heredia Montiel
 Johnny Heredia Montiel
Miembro Moderator

Hola Alejandro,

Verifica si el siguiente articulo de blog te es de utilidad.

Instalar una plantilla de Joomla! utilizando un archivo quickstart


Respondido : 15/01/2014 12:07 am