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Conflicto al Enviar Propiedad – Jux Real Estate  

Honorable Member

Estoy usando Joomla! 3, y he instalado el paquete quickstart_jux_real_estate. Cuando voy al menú principal /opción enviar propiedad me indica el siguiente error:

Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: /home/partidod/public_html/BBR/components/com_jux_real_estate/models/forms/form.xml:601: parser error : Attribute size redefined in /home/partidod/public_html/BBR/libraries/joomla/form/form.php on line 855
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: filter="user_utc" /> in /home/partidod/public_html/BBR/libraries/joomla/form/form.php on line 855
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: ^ in /home/partidod/public_html/BBR/libraries/joomla/form/form.php on line 855
Fatal error: Call to a member function bind() on a non-object in /home/partidod/public_html/BBR/components/com_jux_real_estate/views/form/view.html.php on line 64

He probado con modificar la versión PHP y el problema persiste. El error aparece indistintamente estando loggeado o intentando como usuario público.

El soporte de la plantilla me indica los siguientes requerimientos:

3.1.Server Requirements
JUX Real Estate has the following System Requirements:
Apache 2.0 or above - http://www.apache.org recommended: Apache 2.0 or above
PHP 5.3 or above - http://www.php.net recommended: PHP 5.3 or above
MySQL 5.0.4 or above - http://www.mysql.com recommended: MySQL 5.0.4 or above (En mi caso observo MySQLi)
JOOMLA! 3.0 - http://www.joomla.org recommended: JOOMLA! 3.0 or above
You must ensure that you have MySQL-, XML- and Zlib-Support built into your PHP. PHP should be compiled with support for https (open SSL) and URL!
PHP Safe Mode should be turned off.
3.2. Client Requirements
JUX Real Estate can be used with most major browsers including: Internet Explorer (version 10+), Firefox, Chrome, Opera 9+ and Safari. JavaScript should be enabled.
The client/browser needs to be capable of accepting Cookies and Cookies must be enabled.

Agradeceré de antemano una orientación.

URL del sitio: Contenido solo visible a usuarios registrados

Respondido : 17/10/2017 6:51 pm
Soporte CMS Webempresa Moderator


El mensaje hace referencia a Joomla, mejor usar PHP 5.6 y verifica, prueba también actualizar tu Joomla en caso no estes usando la última versión estable.


Respondido : 17/10/2017 10:22 pm


Honorable Member

Hola John,
He realizado un backup previamente (Akeeba), he optado por la versión PHP 5.6.31 y he actualizado Joomla de 3.7.4 a 3.8.1, y el problema persiste. También he intentado, sin resultados provechosos, con varios navegadores y limpiando la caché. Agradezco de antemano más sugerencias.

Respondido : 17/10/2017 10:57 pm
Johnny Heredia Montiel
 Johnny Heredia Montiel
Miembro Moderator


La versión de Joomla 3.8.1 ejecuta correctamente sobre la versión PHP 7.1, por lo que te recomiendo aplicar este cambio.

Se tendría que consultar también con el soporte de la plantilla: http://docs.joomlaux.com/templates/jux_realestate/#!/recommendation si soporta la ultima versión de Joomla.

Lo que te recomiendo es que realices las pruebas en una copia y no en el sitio web en producción.

Respondido : 18/10/2017 1:26 am

Cursos Gratuitos WordPress

Honorable Member

Hola Johnny,

He actualizado a la versión PHP 7.1 y el error esta vez es: ver imagen adjunta

Respondido : 18/10/2017 3:25 pm
Soporte CMS Webempresa Moderator


Para descartar alguna configuración a nivel de tu cuenta de hosting o del quickstart, instala un nuevo sitio en una carpeta y en este sitio instala la extensión Jux Real State, no el quickstart y verifica si te sucede lo mismo.


Respondido : 18/10/2017 10:14 pm

Gestor de Contraseñas - VPN Conexión Segura - Gestor 2FA (Segundo Factor de Autenticación

Honorable Member

Hola Jhon,

He instalado el Pack: j3joomla del Pack Webempresa Joomla en su versión 3.7.4, versión PHP 7.1
En la siguiente dirección: Contenido solo visible a usuarios registrados
Luego de instalar pkg_jux_real_estate_3.2.2, observo que aparecen errores. (Indicados en las imágenes adjuntas).

Adjunto texto de correcta instalación:
JUX Real Estate is a JOOMLA component designed to fit a multitude of real estate related needs. It includes contracts for sale, mortgage agreements and assignments and liens.
Important Instruction:
• component/com_jux_real_estate 1.0.0 j3.0.zip: Jse Real Estate Pro core component. This is required.
• plugins/plg_jspayment_paypal.zip, plg_jspayment_paylater.zip, plg_jspayment_2co.zip, plg_jspayment_moneybookers.zip: these are plugins support payment methods when users register events. These are essential plugins.
• modules/ mod_jux_realestate_agentsearch, mod_jux_realestate_categories, mod_jux_realestate_maprealty, …: support displaying realty on your site in different styles and make your site become more lively and beautiful.
Please read our document for detailed step by step instructions. You can find our document in the downloaded package or get it here.
Brief features:
• User can register to become an agent & upload realty.
• Admin can create as many companies as they want. Each company will have one company's admin. Company's admin can change the information of company.
• Manage realty from backend by administrator, from frontend by owner (agents).
• Manage agents from backend by administrator.
• Add realty from backend by administrator, from frontend by agents in the frontend with property types, categories, cities, states, countries...
• No limit in adding realty types, categories/sub-categories, realty, amenities, custom field groups and custom fields.
• Google map V3 and driving directions for each realty.
• Flexible frontend display: our component provides two layouts to display list of realties (Default vs. Table layout).
• Full Management In backend: administrator has full control of companies, agents, realty, plan, country, state from backend.
• Custom fields: for a specific realty. The custom field feature allows administrator to define custom fields and creators can use those fields as they desire. JUX Real Estate can help you create many types of fields: Textbox, Text area, Dropdown (single and multiple select lists), checkbox list, radio list, Date Time.
• Dynamic email template: you could setup email template with placeholders which will be filled with information when email is actually sent. The feature is available for all emails sent to donors, creators and administrator. And creator could create unique email template for each realty.
• Social Share buttons: Users can share realty with their friends via many social networks such as Facebook, Twitter...
• Flexible configuration options: There are many configuration options which can be changed from JUX Real Estate Backend. That makes JUX Real Estate become a flexible & easy to use extension.
• Responsive extension: with the support of JOOMLA 3.x and bootstrap, our JUX Real Estate is responsive. JUX Real Estate can display your site perfectly on all devices: PCs, tablet, or smartphone, ...
• Nice and professional frontend design with:
o 2 distinct layouts for realties listing:
 Default - View the realties list with each realty in a line
 Table - View all realties in table form
o Showing realties by user's location.
• Feature-rich realty component:
o Provide Google Map with driving direction.
o Social Network Sharing function.
• Flexible Realty management:
o Flexible in backend configuration.
o Support submitting/editing event from frontend
o Support Multiple languages
o Integrate Google ReCaptcha for submit realty forms for security.
Upgrade Method:
Jse Real Estate Pro version 2.0.0 was created and changed core database – so this is not a “update” version. When you install this version, you will install a totally new Jse Real Estate Pro. You don’t have to uninstall the Jse Real Estate version you’re using, but when you install this new version, it will work as a different component from the old version on your site. In short, installing Jse Real Estate Pro version 2.0.0 to your site which is running Jse Real Estate Pro’s older version is ok, but the two components will work separately as two different components.
Please take note of this so you can decide to use Jse Real Estate Pro version 2.0.0 correctly.
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Copyright 2008 - 2012 JoomSeller.com.

Respondido : 19/10/2017 7:46 pm
Soporte CMS Webempresa Moderator


Entiendo que es una extensión de pago, cuando te brindaron las descargas que otros archivos adicional quickstart te vinieron?, es posible que se necesite instalar algo adicional ya que parece que falta tablas en la base de datos.

Te sugiero también consultar directamente con los desarrolladores sobre este problema de instalación.


Respondido : 19/10/2017 10:30 pm