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No puedo crear items de menu, se queda la página en blanco  

Reputable Member

Buenas noches,

Estoy haciendo una nueva web para lo que he creado una nueva carpeta dentro de public_html, dentro de la carpeta he descargado un paquete quikcstart.

El problema que tengo es que no puedo crear items nuevos de menú ni editar los ya existentes.
Cuando pincho para editar o crear un nuevo menú la página se queda en blanco.
Los menús ya estaban creados al acabar la instalación, tanto el main menu y los menús de inglés y español (Os adjunto captura de pantalla).

Espero vuestras noticias, gracias


URL del sitio: Contenido solo visible a usuarios registrados

Respondido : 18/10/2018 12:16 am
Johnny Heredia Montiel
 Johnny Heredia Montiel
Miembro Moderator


Si la web se queda en blanco se estaría generando un error 500, por favor, verifica este fichero y adjuntanos las lineas con fechas actualizadas: https://www.webempresa.com/blog/que-es-un-error-500-y-como-localizarlo-en-nuestra-web.html

Respondido : 18/10/2018 5:51 am


Reputable Member

Buenos dias Johnny,

Te paso la información que aparece en el archivo error_log

[18-Oct-2018 09:17:17 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:17 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:17 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JCacheControllerView::get() should be compatible with JCacheController::get($id, $group = NULL) in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/cache/controller/view.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of VirtueMartControllerProductdetails::display() should be compatible with JController::display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false) in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/productdetails.php on line 31
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of VirtueMartModelMedia::store() should be compatible with VmModel::store(&$data) in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/media.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method mod_vm_flexible_zoom_effect_helper::transfer_image_vm_file() should not be called statically in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/modules/mod_vm_flexible_zoom_effect/mod_vm_flexible_zoom_effect.php on line 39
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: zoomtype_yaz in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/modules/mod_vm_flexible_zoom_effect/tmpl/default.php on line 111
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/modules/mod_vm_flexible_zoom_effect/tmpl/default.php on line 112
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/modules/mod_cookiesaccept/mod_cookiesaccept.php on line 24
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:22 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/plugins/system/bigshotgoogleanalytics/bigshotgoogleanalytics.php on line 29
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:26 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:26 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 0
[18-Oct-2018 09:17:26 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of JCacheControllerView::get() should be compatible with JCacheController::get($id, $group = NULL) in /home/tspsurfc/public_html/libraries/joomla/cache/controller/view.php on line 0

Respondido : 18/10/2018 10:23 am
Reputable Member

Hola Jhonny,

Se ha solucionado!! No se por qué pero ahora funciona todo!!

Un saludo,

Respondido : 18/10/2018 11:00 am


Soporte CMS Webempresa Admin

Hola Aida.

Genial, mejor que se solucione solo :cheer:

Cerramos el tema.

Un saludo

Respondido : 18/10/2018 11:36 am