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[Resuelto] Remove internal links to the G Suite Domain Contact page  

Famed Member

Hola, he recibido un mensaje con este texto. Es por si sabéis algo de esto

You are receiving this email because users within your organization may have active links within their documents, websites, scripts, or applications that go to Google’s G Suite Domain Contact page. On August 31, 2020, the Domain Contact page will be removed, since it contains the Admin contact details of Google’s customers. If your users don’t remove internal links to this page in their resources, the links will break as of August 31, 2020, resulting in a “404 Error” code.

What do I need to do?

Instruct your users to remove the following Domain Contact page link within your organization’s internal documents, websites, scripts, or applications: www.google.com/a/<domain-name>/DomainContact.

You will need to provide your users with the <domain-name> for your organization and send them the following step-by-step instructions:

  • To remove the Domain Contact link, follow the steps below:
    • Step 1: Open your internal documents, websites, scripts, or applications.
    • Step 2: Search for any links that reference www.google.com/a/<domain-name> with your domain name filled in for <domain-name>.
    • Step 3: Look for links that contain DomainContact.
    • Step 4: Remove each link.
    • Step 5: Replace the link with a tested, live link to a document or website.
    • Step 6: Save your document, website, script, or application.

What if I don’t do anything?

Google is not providing a redirection link for the G Suite Domain Contact page. This may cause a https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AD-FnEzUbPoFlQEP3h_CosRonKKw8SkL1-ZB6QGFz3kPnRc8QDjqg23YtDkc1khlj7FMOiSQ0CJc684NwetY4Tu_PS2XgCopd-ENRYgXcM6mFoKHYesj1LW-5hsAzlfJs2uSYfafi4aSanTwP5_iBG3GSVZHkgpUtXnZRAaOoxlWXyvdFXnJ31fr97MMtx1tamvld4Qov7ZyoPZGkka1-CB9UEOi&source=gmail&ust=1597731044883000&usg=AFQjCNFAQX1kfewHrG8b7WQ-U5G653iZi w">404 “Page Not Found” error when your internal users attempt to use documents, websites, scripts or applications that rely on the link.

Your domain-names(s) listed below are affected:


Saludos y gracias

Respondido : 17/08/2020 12:55 pm
Soporte CMS Webempresa Admin

Hola Alceste.

Es un error de Google que envió ese correo a muchos usuarios, si no utilizas Gsuite para el contacto no tienes que hacer caso de este aviso.

-> https://www.nwdesign.co/blog/remove-internal-links-to-the-g-suite-domain-contact-page/


Hay un comunicado de Google en el que ya advierte que ese correo fue enviado a muchos usuarios por error:

g suite error


Un saludo

Respondido : 17/08/2020 1:10 pm

Gestor de Contraseñas - VPN Conexión Segura - Gestor 2FA (Segundo Factor de Autenticación

Famed Member


Muchas gracias!

Respondido : 18/08/2020 7:33 am